Thursday, August 30, 2012

To Polish or Not to Polish

Day Three:  That is the Question?  Today's topic is about an amazing Hector Aguilar Taxco light fixture in our entry way.  How do I know it is this?  Because I decided to clean the dirty light fixture after passing it day in and out for one year.  I hit me, "I think this might be COPPER!"  So, let's clean...and when I did, I about jumped off the ladder realizing it was a Taxco.

Now, how do I know what I Taxco?  Well, my grandmother left me this gorgeous sterling bracelet marked Taxco, and I've always bee interested in it.  Thank goodness I knew...but now I am afraid that I have ruined it because I've taken some of the patina off of it!  Gah! I've immediately stop cleaning it - just the bottom part of what I am calling the flower.

Should I keep up with the polishing to make it sparkle, or stop and be happy with the vintage flair. What do you think?

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